From luxury packaging to mailers and business cards, we know the value of adding embellishment to print. From dazzling visual effects that turn heads to tactile effects that make people stop and appreciate what they're experiencing, everyone is raving about print embellishment and how cool it is. And it absolutely is!
But it falls back on progressive printers like you, to deliver on print customers' visions, and if you've got a perception that print embellishment is an expensive and complex investment, you're not alone. Depending on the process, print embellishment can be both of those things. But simple specialty finishes can go a long way and aren't capital intensive or complex to get started with.
For example, with our small but mighty embellishment starter pack, you can:
add a tactile finish to your prints using specialty laminates with a range of textures
add shimmering spot effects to your print to highlight certain areas of the art
add foil to areas of your print with variable data at a mind-blowingly low cost
And believe it or not, it's possible for only $5500 with these items and a very small footprint.
2 rolls of SOFTpro soft touch laminate film, perfect any application where you want people to stop and appreciate what they have in-hand
2 rolls of DECOpro textured film of your choice, perfect for adding extra punch to printed pieces
1 roll SLEEKpro Silver printable foil which allows you to overprint in any color of your choice
1 roll SLEEKpro Gold foil
1 LAMpro Bobcat S15M Hot Roll Laminator for the best results when doing specialty finishing.
We see a lot of our customers start with the items mentioned in this package, and upgrade to larger machines, like our PODTopic 380-F, as their customer base, demand for embellishment, and profits grow. And we wish the same for you!
We have numerous articles and videos available here on our website and YouTube channel with tips and tricks on growing your print business through embellishment, so be sure to check those out. And if you need anything print finishing-related, feel free to contact us at 1.888.820.9020.
But if you're really wanting this starter pack, click here to request yours.
Happy print embellishing!